
Wardrobe lamp microwave radar module manufacturer radar communication terms

2021-12-03 490

 Wardrobe lamp microwave radar module manufacturer professional radar communication terms


ADC Analog to Digital Converter

 Analog-to-digital converter, an electronic device that converts analog (continuous) signals into digital (digital) signals.

AESA Active Electronically Scanned Array

 Active electronically scanned array, each radiation array is equipped with a transmitting/receiving component, each component can transmit and receive electromagnetic waves.

Wardrobe lamp microwave radar module manufacturer radar communication terms

AEWR Airborne Early Warning Radar

 Airborne Early warning radar, the radar control system of an early warning aircraft, used to search, monitor and track air and sea targets, and to direct and guide its own aircraft to carry out combat missions.

AGC Automatic Gain Control

 Automatic gain control, an automatic control method in which the gain of the amplifying circuit automatically adjusts with the strength of the signal.

AI Artificial Intelligence

 Artificial intelligence, the study and development of theories, methods, techniques and application systems used to simulate, extend and expand human intelligence.

AMDR Air and Missile Defence Radar

 Air and missile radar, advanced digital array radar, dual band (X band and S band)

ASAR Advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar

Advanced synthetic aperture radar

 ATR Automatic Target Recognition An algorithm or device that automatically recognizes targets or objects based on data obtained by sensors.


 Us Army Nomenclature, Joint Electronic Type Nomenclature System

 Wardrobe lamp microwave radar module manufacturers


BDS BeiDou Navigation Satellite System

China's Beidou Navigation Satellite System

BPF Bandpass Filter

 Bandpass filter, a device that allows only waves in a certain frequency band to pass through and blocks other frequency bands.

 CETC China Electronics Technology Group Corporation

China Electronics Technology Group Co. LTD

CFAR Constant False Alarm Rate

 Constant false alarm rate. In the interference environment, the radar automatically adjusts the sensitivity, so that the false alarm probability remains constant.

 Cognitive Radar, a new regime of radar that uses target and environmental information to intelligently select the transmission waveform, operating mode and system configuration.

 CNI The Communications, Navigation, and Identification system

 Communication, Navigation and Identification (CNI) systems

CPI Coherent Processing Interval

 The coherent processing interval, the CPI usually has a fixed PRI and radar frequency within it, and the transmitting waveform is the same for Doppler measurements.

dB Decibel

Db, and more dBm, dBi, dBd, dBc content

DBF Digital Beam Forming

 Digital beamforming, a spatial filtering technique in which different arrays are digitally weighted to enhance signal power in one direction and suppress interference in other directions.

 DBSAR Digital Beamforming Synthetic Aperture Radar

 Digital beamforming synthetic aperture radar

DDS Direct Digital Synthesis

 Direct digital synthesis, more pure spectrum, lower phase noise, faster switching frequency.

DOA Direction of Arrival

Direction of boda

DRFM Digital Radio Frequency Memory

Digital radio frequency memory

DSP Digital Signal Processor

Digital signal processor

 Wardrobe lamp microwave radar module manufacturers


EA Electronic Attack

Electronic attack

ECM Electronic Counter Measures

Electronic countermeasure

ECCM Electronic Counter Counter Measures

Electronic counter countermeasure

ELINT Electronic Intelligence

Electronic information

EP Electronic Protection

 Electronic protection is the technology and method of making radar and communication systems less susceptible to electronic warfare techniques (especially electronic jamming). Various measures are taken to reduce the efficiency of jammers.


Effective (Isotropic) Radiated Power

Effective (omnidirectional) radiated power

ES Electronic Support

Electronic Support

ESM Electronic Support Measures

Electronic Support Measures

EW Electronic Warfare

Electronic warfare

 FAST Five -  hundred -  meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope

 The five-hundred-meter aperture spherical Radio Telescope, the world's largest radio telescope built in China, has ultra-high sensitivity.

FDOA Frequency Difference Of Arrival

Arrival frequency difference

FMCW Frequency Modulation Continuous Wave

FM continuous wave

FPGA Field Programmable Gate Arrays

Field programmable gate array


 The US military's fifth generation stealth fighter, the F-35, has the F-35A/B/C variant.

GPS Global Position System

Global positioning system

GPU Graphic Processing Unit

Image processing unit

GMTI Ground Moving Target Indication

Ground moving target indication

 Wardrobe lamp microwave radar module manufacturers


IF Intermediate Frequency

Intermediate frequency

 InSAR(IFSAR) Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar

Interferometric synthetic aperture radar

ISAR Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar

Inverse synthetic aperture radar

 ISR Intelligence Surveillance Reconnaissance

 Intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance

LFM Linear Frequency Modulation

Linear frequency modulation signal

LiDAR Light Detection And Ranging

 Laser detection and measurement, also known as LiDAR.

LPI Low Probability of Intercept

 Low probability of interception, can see but not be detected by the other party.

 Wardrobe lamp microwave radar module manufacturers


MDLMS Multi-Data Link Management System

Multiple data link management system

MFR Multi Function Radar

Multi function radar

MIMO Multiple Input, Multiple Output

Multiple inputs, multiple outputs


 Multi input multi output synthetic aperture radar


Miniature advanced synthetic aperture radar

ML Machine Learning

 Machine learning, applications to radar signal analysis

MTI Moving Target Indication

Moving target indication

MMW Radar Millimeter Wave Radar

 Millimeter wave radar, wavelength 110mm, frequency 30300GHz.

NGJ Next Generation Jammer

Next generation jammer

OTH Over the Horizon

 Sky wave over-the-horizon radar, mainly backscattering, generally works in the shortwave band (10~100m), with a working frequency of 3 ~ 30MHz. It receives little absorption in the ionosphere, which is conducive to ionospheric reflection. After repeated reflection, the propagation distance is long.

PBR Passive Bistatic Radar

Passive bistatic radar

PRF Pulse Repetition Frequency

Pulse repetition rate

PRI Pulse Repetition Interval

Pulse repetition interval

QPASS Quick Personnel Safe Screening system

 A body close screening system for use in airports or critical facilities is based on the multi-station digital beam synthesis technology. The system operates in a frequency band of 70 to 80 GHz and adopts step-frequency continuous wave technology.

 Wardrobe lamp microwave radar module manufacturers


RCS Radar Cross Section

Radar scattering cross-sectional area

RDA Range Doppler Algorithm

Distance Doppler algorithm

RGPO Range Gate Pull Off

Distance towing

RWR Radar Warning Receiver

Radar alarm receiver

SAR Synthetic Aperture Radar

Synthetic aperture radar

SBX Sea-Based X-band Rada

Sea-based X-band radar

SLC Sidelobe Canceler

Side lobe canceller

SNR Signal-to-Noise Ratio

Signal to noise ratio (SNR)

SOJ Stand Off Jamming

 Support jamming. The jammer is not with the protected target

SPJ Self Protection Jamming

 Self-defense jamming. Jammer with protected target

STAP Space Time Adaptive Processing

 Space-time adaptive processing, combined with the two-dimensional adaptive filtering in the space and time domain, to eliminate clutter and interference, improve the performance of target detection.

STAR Simultaneous Transmit and Receive

 Simultaneous transmission and reception, digital beamforming and digital cancellation technology to achieve a high degree of transmittance isolation.

SWT Search While Track

Search and track

TDOA Time Difference Of Arrival

Time difference of arrival

TWS Track While Scan

Scan while tracking

TWT Traveling Wave Tube

Traveling wave tube

 Wardrobe lamp microwave radar module manufacturers



 Unmanned Aircraft Systems/ Unmanned Aerial Vehicle

Unmanned aerial vehicle system